Listing Integrity Policy

Listing Integrity Promise

The presence of a resource, information, or an organization's listing on helpNYC certifies our commitment to listing low-barrier, verified, and trusted assistance information as of the time the listing has been published.  Listings are published solely by and at the discretion of helpNYC.  Listings are never considered endorsements.  helpNYC actively declines monetary or in-kind compensation for individual listings. 

helpNYC reserves the right to publish or not publish an organization's listing at any time for any reason.

Listing Disclosure Notification Appearance 

When a LISTING DISCLOSURE appears with a listing, helpNYC strongly encourages people seeking assistance to use the affected listing as a last resort for assistance.

LISTING DISCLOSURE appears next to a listing when helpNYC has been notified of barriers experienced by a person who has sought assistance.  If helpNYC did not have knowledge of the barrier by oversight or non-disclosure by the listing's contact during the initial verification process or periodic review of the listing a consideration process to verify the listing will be started.  

After a carefully executed consideration process of weighing the risks and benefits of helpNYC publishing, the listing has been completed, the listing may or may not remain published by helpNYC.  If the listing continues to be published it must be accompanied by a LISTING DISCLOSURE whenever the listing appears and will be archived on the Listing Integrity Policy section of the helpNYC website. 

Reporting Listings

If high-barrier, difficult, and/or delayed assistance has been experienced by a person in need seeking assistance from a listing published by helpNYC please contact us with a detailed summary of the experience, the URL of the listing, and how we may contact the person reporting the listing.  

helpNYC will not release or disclose any information beyond the reported situation with the listing under any circumstances. If it is crucial to report the situation to law enforcement due to suspected or substantiated illegal activity affecting children, elderly, and other vulnerable populations and other situations prescribed by law helpNYC will cooperate with authorities to their best ability.

Appealing an Issued Listing Disclosure

If a published listing has been affected by our Listing Integrity Policy the organization may contact helpNYC to dispute its findings in writing via an email to

Updated: August 24, 2023

helpNYC Corporation, Bronx, New York, United States | | 212.287.5027

Archive of Listing Disclosure Affected Listings

Mosaic Mental Health - RMHA | Riverdale Crisis Respite Center

Reported: August 12, 2019  Consideration Completed: September 5, 2019  Disclosure Issued: September 8, 2019.helpNYC strongly suggests that a licensed clinician and/or psychiatrist initiate and complete the referral to Mosaic Mental Health Crisis Respite Center. helpNYC has received several reports about the difficulty and experience of people in crisis who wish to do a self-referral to this CRC.  This agency requires several documents to be completed by a licensed professional during the referral and intake process which creates a high-barrier situation to receiving services.  Please refer to our Listing Integrity Policy as for why this disclosure has been issued.